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Thema: Hey bros!
12.10.2004, 17:51 #1
Hey bros!
A little surfin'on the net and i found you guys! Always nice to share information with people who have the same passion for Iron and Muscles
I'm a 26 year old BB from the Netherlands and i'm practicing bodybuilding for about 6 years.
Sorry that i don't post in you offence
Gr DutchMuscle
- Anzeigen
12.10.2004, 18:04 #2
Sorry that i don't post in you offence
Mir fällt da nämlich ein Spruch ein:
Die Holländer machen nur spaß, aber die Deutschen machen alles kapuuuutt.
12.10.2004, 18:11 #3
@ Ghettonerd: Reading is no problem, bro
Immer spass mit Rudi CarelAber Derrick macht alles kapuuuttt
12.10.2004, 21:12 #4
Viel spaß hier im Forum...
12.10.2004, 22:09 #5
12.10.2004, 22:14 #6
HiHo DutchMuscle!!!
12.10.2004, 22:21 #7
13.10.2004, 15:02 #8
Welcome 2 the best BB-Forum in the hole internet! Thats no joke, its only the truth
U´ll became nearly all your questions answerd!
Aber ich bin nicht dein Bro, Kollege
13.10.2004, 15:19 #9
Moinse und Welcome,
hope you enjoy this site, and also we are dont your BRO´s aight !
13.10.2004, 16:00 #10
Hey DutchMuscle,
you know this Forum I have read many Thems from you or a other person that use you Nick name right !
14.10.2004, 19:18 #11
Zitat von Julez
Hope you've enjoyed reading my posts on muskelforum. I'm also active on several american boards.
I'm getting more and more interested in the Bodybuilding scene in Germany. In Germany Bodybuilding is far more popular then in Holland.
My opinion is that exchanging information between (international) bodybuilders is a good cause.
Also a visit to the FIBO in Essen is one of my favourite events trough out the year.
Herzlichen grusse,
14.10.2004, 19:20 #12
Thanx for the warm welcome br..eeuh..Kollegen oder Kolleges
14.10.2004, 19:56 #13
Hallo DutchMuscle, mit meiner Begrüßung habe ich hoffentlich voll daneben gelegen. Willkommen im Forum!
14.10.2004, 20:30 #14
wie kommst du drauf, dass uns der dm verarscht, oldiegerd?
14.10.2004, 20:41 #15
joa würd ich auch mal gerne wissen
kann doch gut möglich sein das 'internationale' user sich hier anmelden
02.03.2025, 18:55 in Sonstige Diskussionen