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09.08.2004, 23:42 #1
auf natürliche weise wachstumshormonfunktion steigern...
hi leute,
bin neu in diesen forum und hab gleich schon eine frage:
was haltet ihr von den ganzen hgh releasern die verkauft werden. bringen die was hinsichtlich der hgh ausschüttung? hier mal ein auszug von einen der sich interessant anhört:
HGH Renew
120 Capsules per bottle
Serving Size: 4 Capsules
Amount per Serving
Proprietary Blend : 2875 MG *
GTF Chromium 83%
Anterior Pituitary Complex
Phosphatidyl Choline
Phosphatidyl Phosphate
HGH Renew was designed to provide precursor nutrients to help boost the body’s natural HGH levels - a key to supporting the anti-aging process. , which HGH Renew does not contain any hormones, is a safe, sensible, cost-effective approach to supporting a younger you and embarking on a path to wellness and longevity.
Colostrum is the pre-milk liquid produced by the mammary gland during the first 24-48 hours after birth. Colostrum strengthens the body's immune system. According to research conducted by the Government Center for Disease, doctors report that Colostrum users benefit by enhanced well being, energy, and stamina, as well as a lower incidence of sickness, flu, sinus, and ear infections.
Phosphatidyl Serine plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of brain cell membranes. The breakdown of brain cell membranes prevents glucose and other nutrients from entering the cell. By protecting the integrity of brain cell membranes, Phosphatidyl Serine facilitates the efficient transport of energy-producing nutrients into cells, thus enhancing brain cell energy metabolism. To date, eleven double blind studies have been completed using Phosphatidyl Serine in the treatment of age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and depression. In the largest study conducted by T. Cenacchi et al, reported in Aging 5 (1993): 123-33, four hundred ninety four elderly patients with moderate to severe senility were given either Phosphatidyl Serine or a placebo for six months. The patients were assessed for mental performance, behavior, and mood at the beginning and end of the study. Statistically significant (p<0.01) improvements were noted in mental function, mood, and behavior in the Phosphatidyl Serine -treated group. Other studies indicating the efficacy of Phosphatidyl Serine for anti-aging include: R.R. Engel et al. "Double Blind Cross-Over Study of Phophatidyl Serine vs. Placebo in Patients with Early Dementia of the Alzheimer Type." Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2 (1992): 149-55 and T.H. Crook et al., Effects of Phosphatidyl Serine in Age-Associated Memory Impairment, Neurology 41 (1991): 644-9.
Phosphatidyl Choline, a main ingredient of Lecithin, and included in Super HGH is needed for proper mental functioning and fat breakdown. A study reported in Psychological Reports 1986 Feb Vol 58 (1) 207-217 suggested that Phosphatidyl Choline supplementation improved neuro-physiological and intellectual functioning as well as general motor- skill improvements.
Tribulus Terrestris, another component of Super HGH, is a non-hormonal supplement derived from the herb, Tribulus terrestris commonly known as the puncture vine. Tribulus is primarily found in parts of Eastern Europe, India and Africa, where it has been used for hundreds of years as a medical herb for the treatment of muscle strength, infertility, impotence, liver, kidney, and heart problems. In South Africa it has been used as a remedy for inflammation and arthritis. In an article written by Dr. Robert Fraser, "Tribulus Terrestris…a remarkable herb…" published in Insight, March 1998, page 8, a cogent argument is made for its use as a safe non-hormonal treatment for men and women. The Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute in Sofia Bulgaria has led the research in Tribulus. They discovered that Tribulus raises testosterone production in men through the increased secretion of Leutinizing Hormone from the pituitary gland, and in women, Follicle Stimulating Hormone secretion and estrodial were increased. Tribulus was also found to be superb for people with high cholesterol, as it stimulates the bile flow and breakdown of fats in the liver thus contributing to more regular bowel patterns and elimination of toxins from the liver. Studies have concluded that there are no known side effects from this herb when used as a dietary supplement.
Chromium GTF: A trace mineral that plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels. Each "glucose tolerance factor (GTF)" molecule, a hormone like compound, requires chromium as its central atom. GTF works with insulin to transport glucose from the blood into the cells. When this function is not working properly, the cells resist insulin and do not properly absorb the glucose needed for energyL-Arginine: Assists in wound healing, facilitates immune function, and promotes the secretion human growth hormone. L-Arginine works with L-Ornithine in the synthesis of growth hormone
L-Ornithine: Some experts have claimed that L-Ornithine promotes muscle-building activity in the body.
L-Lysine: Stimulates growth hormone release. An essential amino acid needed for growth; helps the body effectively use fatty acids for energy production. Cannot be made in the body and must be supplied by the diet or supplements. L-Lysine appears to help the body absorb and conserve calcium.
L-Glutamine: The most prevalent amino acid in muscle tissue. May help stimulate growth hormone. L-Glutamine increases the absorption of nutrients and readily passes the blood-brain barrier and is used as brain fuel in the form of glutamic acid. It serves as a source of fuel for cells lining the intestines. Without it, these cells waste away. Glutamine is effective for boosting recovery after surgery or illness, due to increased absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.Glutamine is also used by white bloodcells and is important for immune function, and helps decrease cravings for alcohol and sugars, important factors in improved health.
Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate: Or OKG, is formed from the amino acids ornithine and glutamine. OKG is believed to enhance the bodys release of muscle-building hormones, such as growth hormone and insulin, and increases arginine and glutamine levels in muscle. OKG also encourages synthesis of polyamine and helps prevent the breakdown of muscle while increasing muscle growth. Alpha-ketoglutarate is one of the intermediary products in the Krebs cycle.
L-Glysine: Used by the body to build proteins. Participates in the body's synthesis of purines, porphyrins, creatine, and glyoxylic acid. Glycine may play a role in maintaining the health of the prostate.
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02.03.2025, 18:55 in Sonstige Diskussionen