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Thema: THE U.S. Navy SEAL Workout
08.03.2004, 17:31 #1
THE U.S. Navy SEAL Workout
Who must be in top physical shape to perform their job? Who must utilize all muscle in order to accomplish their task? I'm not talking about professional bodybuilders, I'm talking about our nations elite fighting force - The U.S. Navy SEALs. These brave men are not worried about how they look in front of the judges, but how they are judged by their superiors. Living by the mentality that they must perform to the best of their ability on every mission is why they are so successful. But how do these men get in shape in that short period of time called basic training? Bodybuilding takes years to come across the perfect physique and even then, some bodybuilders are still not happy with the results. The SEALs take a different approach to training, they are concerned with strength and endurance, not symmetry and hair loss products. In this article, I will outline a Navy SEAL workout someone gave to me.
This program is about a nine week long program. During this program, you should notice that your endurance will sore to heights never imagined. However, like Navy SEAL training, this program will break you - only the mentally strong will survive and a new, strengthened man will emerge.
First 9 Weeks:
Week 1
Running: 2 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pushups: 4 sets of 15 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 4 sets of 20 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 3 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 15 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 2
Running: 2 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pushups: 5 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 5 sets of 20 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 3 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 15 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 3
Running: No running
Pushups: 5 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 5 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 4 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 20 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 4
Running: 3 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pushups: 5 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 5 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 4 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 20 min. 4-5 days/week
Weeks 5-6
Running: 2 / 3 / 4 / 2 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr
Pushups: 6 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 6 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 2 sets of 8 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 25 min. 4-5 days/week
Weeks 7-8
Running: 4 / 4 / 5 / 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr
Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 6 sets of 30 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 2 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 30 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 9
Running: 4 / 4 / 5 / 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr
Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 6 sets of 30 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 35 min. 4-5 days/week
Second 9 weeks:
Week 1 & 2
Running: 3 / 5 / 4 / 5 / 2 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa
Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 6 sets of 35 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Dips: 3 sets of 20 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 35 min. 4-5 days/week
Weeks 3-4
Running: 4 / 5 / 6 / 4 / 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa
Pushups: 10 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 10 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 4 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Dips: 10 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 45 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 5
Running: 5 / 5 / 6 / 4 / 4 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa
Pushups: 15 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 15 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 4 sets of 12 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Dips: 15 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 60 min. 4-5 days/week
Week 6 and beyond
Running: 5 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 4 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa
Pushups: 20 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 20 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 5 sets of 12 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Dips: 20 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 75 min. 4-5 days/week
As you can see, this program builds your endurance and your strength. Also, looking at this program, rest days are few and far between. Hence, one should take in an adequate supply of the necessary nutrients and water. There is no doubt that such a program as this one will work, however, doing this program requires commitment and determination. The exercises are simple - they involve no sophisticated movements or machines. After the fat has been shed and the muscle is packed on, try out for the SEALs and see if you can make it.
ps: ich dachte es ist besser wenn man 1 tag pause macht damit sich der körper erholen kann!!!
Was sagt ihr zu den Plan ?
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08.03.2004, 17:48 #2
ziemlich für die ausdauer würd ich sagen, scheint hart zu sein
Bau ich mal in meinen TP einj/k
08.03.2004, 18:10 #3
ach ja, als ich noch jung und in der armee war...
08.03.2004, 18:12 #4
klingt krass! das möchte ich nicht machen müssen! bestimmt hart !
08.03.2004, 18:27 #5
Die große Muskelmasse wird man wohl nicht aufbauen. Aber für einen ausdauernden, drahtigen Körper paßts schon.
08.03.2004, 18:51 #6
Zitat von fresh0070
währ doch mal was für euch "junge leute"
08.03.2004, 18:53 #7
tja aber es is bestimmt nichts für die masse ! hast du das etwa durchgezogen ? wenn ja
08.03.2004, 19:27 #8
Na ich würde mal sagen man baut nur Ausdauer und kraft auf !!! oder was meint ihr ?
noch mal zu meiner frage:
ps: ich dachte es ist besser wenn man 1 tag pause macht damit sich der körper erholen kann!!!
08.03.2004, 19:35 #9
englische fachbezeichnungen sind nich so meins ... was bedeutet in dem plan Pushups und pullups ...?? raufdrücken und raufziehen ... ??
08.03.2004, 19:40 #10
liegestütze und klimmzüge glaub ich!
08.03.2004, 19:41 #11
ich Glaube Pushups sind Liegestützen
und pullups sind Klimmzüge
08.03.2004, 19:54 #12
ok danke
08.03.2004, 23:43 #13
bratishka...hast du nich lust mal nen kleinen einblick in die armee zu geben...ich hab vor in ..naja was weiss ich , voraussichtlich zwei-drei jahren zum bund zu gehen...!!!
09.03.2004, 18:38 #14
Achja noch ne Frage : Wie lang soll n die Pausen zwischen den einzelnen Push-Up oder Pull up sätzen sein???
Wie du siehst intressiert mich das Programm sehr, wo kann ich es mir zulegen
P.S.: Die Typen machen die Klimmzüge mit Untergriff ... um dem Rücken aber optimal was zu bringen sollte man die doch eher mit Obergriff machen?
09.03.2004, 19:43 #15
mit untergriff iss halt einfacher und ich denk denen gehts einfach darum das programm zu schaffen weil 75 klimmzüge sind so und so extrem vorallem wenn man sich das restliche programm noch anschaut
02.03.2025, 18:55 in Sonstige Diskussionen