Ergebnis 16 bis 19 von 19
Thema: Diaetplan. Brauche feedback
27.09.2012, 20:07 #16
- Anzeigen
27.09.2012, 20:08 #17
27.09.2012, 23:06 #18
Hm wie waere denn mein plan wenn ich nur fett abnehmen will? Hier
17.10.2012, 06:58 #19
Agree with the statement of"Are almost nonsense, best way to collapse. This is not a diet plan, which is a Abmagerkur the killing your body. TP fits where, even if I would change places with dips BD and much much more with leg press would do better or squats. 4-6 sentences are they allowed to be here already. pong"
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