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Thema: Helios
25.12.2003, 15:44 #1
Kennt das jemand oder hat jem. Erfahrungen?
Wird in 50ml Vials verkauft und enthaelt einige "Zauberstoffe"
(u.a. auch Clenbuterol).
Es wird ins Fettgewebe gespritzt und verbrennt dort Fett,
jedoch ohne die Fettzellen zu zerstoeren.
Bei entsprehender Ueberernaehrung kommt das Fett zwar wieder,
jedoch kann das auch ein "Vorteil" sein, wenn man falsch,
d.h. ungleichmaessig gespritzt hat.
Hab alle Suchmaschinen versucht, doch ohne Erfolg.
Mir hat es jemand aus USA mitgebracht, soll dort der Renner sein.
- Anzeigen
25.12.2003, 16:02 #2
Hab noch was gefunden, allerdings in englisch:
In a issue of Muscle Media 2000, in the October 1996 issue, "Steroid Guru" Dan Duchaine presents an article titled "Lower Body Fat." In this piece Dan recalls the plight of a female bodybuilding friend who found it impossible to lose fat in her below-the-waste region. No matter what she did - from exercise to drugs to steroids to near starvation - none of her strategies yielded success.
Then, in a section subtitled "You Know About Beta Agonists, But ... How About Alpha2 Blocker?," Duchaine lays it on the line. Ephedrine stimulates adrenoreceptors, but only those of the beta class. Among the three members of this class beta1 signals for fat mobilization while beta2 and beta3 concern themselves with the generation of thermogenic activity in the mitochondria. "Burn more fatty acids for heat," they command. While you might think that these latter two receptors would result in increased lower-body fat loss, it just doesn't work that way.
The reason is because there are few beta1 receptors - the generators for fat mobilization - in the lower body regions. However, what there are - and too many at that - in the lower-body fat are alpha2 receptors. Specifically, there are 9 times more alpha2 than beta1 receptors. When alpha2 receptors are stimulated they block fat mobilization, achieving a near opposite effect of beta1 receptors resulting in an increased stubbornness to lose lower-body fat. Worse yet, noradrenaline generation is reduced and body temperature is lowered. Then, to top it all off, on low calorie diets, alpha2 receptors increase.
Duchaine goes on to say that this process affects far more women than men, who normally have fewer alpha2 receptors ... except for Duchaine! The glad news, however, is that there is a alpha2 blocker available as an over-the-counter herbal supplement, and that the blocker is yohimbine, the chief active ingredient in yohimbe. Unlike ephedrine, yohimbe is not an agonist but an antagonist - it doesn't stimulate receptors, it blocks them. And when yohimbe blocks alpha2 receptors, noradrenaline flows and the resulting effect is increased body temperature and increased fat burning, even in the difficult area of the lower body
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05.02.2025, 17:18 in Lifestyle