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11.05.2011, 12:01 #1
Kleine Profi Klasse 202 pfund wird schwerer >212< Pfund
91,7kg auf 96,2kg (faktor 0,454)
202 BECOMES 212
Weight limit for the class to increase to 212 pounds in November
Weight limit for the class to increase to 212 pounds in November
May 10, 2011
The 202 Pound Class will have an entirely new look in November – so much of a new look, in fact, that the weight limit will no longer be 202 pounds. The IFBB Pro League announced today that, starting with the Sacramento Pro this November, the class weight limit will increase to 212 pounds.
The decision comes after months of deliberation and after numerous competitors – including 2010 Europa Show of Champions 202 winner Eduardo Correa and 2010 Europa Super Show 202 winner Seth Feroce – announced their intentions to move up in weight to compete in the open division this year. Others, like two-time 202 Showdown champ Kevin English, have also considered making the move to the open division.
Moving the weight limit up to 212 pounds gives these and other top competitors reason to continue to compete in the division. It also opens up the possibility of some of the lighter open division competitors – such as Hidetada Yamagishi – to compete in the 212 division at some point in the future.
The move is in some ways a return to the roots of the lighter weight class. Absent for years – since Frank Zane won the lightweight division and overall at the 1979 Mr. Olympia – the IFBB Pro League brought the lighter division back in 2008 with a 210-pound class at the Europa Super Show. The 210-pound class lasted only one contest, as the weight limit was lowered to 202 pounds in 2009. The weight limit will remain at 202 pounds through the 202 Showdown at this year’s Olympia.
To: All IFBB Professional League Male Bodybuilders
From: IFBB Professional League
Date: May 10, 2011
Please be advised that the 202-lb and under category is changed to 212-lb and under.
*This change will take effect at the Sacramento Pro 202 on November 5, 2011.
Jim Manion
IFBB Professional League
Was haltet ihr von der Veränderung?
- Anzeigen
11.05.2011, 12:34 #2
hab auh gelesen, dass es jetzt sone bikiniklasse fuer jungs gibt ?!
11.05.2011, 13:28 #3
Finde ich okay, so ist eben die Entwicklung, auch die kleinen Jungs werden immer schwerer... Wem das nicht gefällt, kann ja CBB machen oder gucken.
Beim Profi-Boxen wurde die zweithöchste Gewichtsklasse (Cruiserweight) auch vor ein paar Jahren erhöht, von 190 auf 200 amerikanische Pfund (86 auf 91 KG).
@Epe: Jo, nennt sich Men´s Physique Class...
11.05.2011, 13:40 #4@Epe: Jo, nennt sich Men´s Physique Class...
11.05.2011, 13:52 #5
So sieht das aus (durch die Shorts entfällt dann auch das lästige Beintraining):
11.05.2011, 13:56 #6
Und ich habe mich schon gefragt, wo diese Leute passende Bikinis finden wollen....
11.05.2011, 13:59 #7
11.05.2011, 14:02 #8
11.05.2011, 14:12 #9
dachte bei shorts eher an sone engere boxershorts ...
11.05.2011, 14:19 #10
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