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Thema: ASC 2011 ( 3-6 März)
25.12.2010, 19:12 #1
ASC 2011 ( 3-6 März)
2011 Entries
Arnold Classic
Evan Centopani
Toney Freeman
Marius Graatrud
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Ronny Rockel
Dennis Wolf
Ms. International
Betty Adkins
Rita Maria Bello
Dayana Cadeau
Tina Chandler
Maria del Carmen Gomez
Sarah Hayes
Iris Kyle
Klaudia Larson
Debi Laszewski
Cathy LeFrancois
Yaxeni Oriquen Garcia
Jeannie Paparone
Alina Popa
Antoinette Thompson
Isabelle Turell
Fitness International
Myriam Capes
Regiane Da Silva
Nicole Duncan
Tina Durkin
Allison Ethier
Adela Garcia
Oksana Grishina
Tanji Johnson
Daniela O’Mara
Erin Riley
Camala Rodriguez
Sylvia Tremblay
Bethany Wagner
Trish Warren
Figure International
Teresa Nicole Anthony
Cheryl Brown
Ava Cowan
Jenn Gates
Alicia Harris
Candice Keene
Chelsey Morgenstern
Larissa Reis
Natalia Revajova
Felicia Romero
Rosa-Maria Romero
Monica Specking
Erin Stern
Courtney West
Latisha Wilder
Nicole Wilkins
Bikini International
Jelena Abbou
Dina Al-Sabah
Jennifer Andrews
Jaime Baird
Jessica Clay
Missy Coles
Willeke “Wicky” Davis
Sonia Gonzales
Amanda Latona
Nathalia Melo
Shelsea Montes
Justine Munro
Nicole Nagrani
Noemi Olah
Jessica Putnam
Monique Ricardo
Alison Rosen
Last modified: 2010-12-23 @ 12:00 am
Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding
Teilnehmerinnen Frauen Profis: >>Voranmeldung<<
Regiane Botthof
Teilnehmer Amateure : >>Voranmeldung<<
Matthias Botthof
Andre Regestein
David Hoffman
Erich Beihl
Jens Schneider
Teilnehmerinnen Frauen Amatuere: >>Voranmeldung<<
Monika Becht
Nathalie Falk
Violet Schwarz
Classic Klasse>>Voranmeldung<<
Murat Demir
Werde die Liste je nach News Eingang aktualisieren.. wenn jemand was mitbekommt einfach hier melden ich werde dann die fehlenden Athleten einfügen…Geändert von Zum Rausche (25.12.2010 um 19:21 Uhr)
- Anzeigen
25.12.2010, 19:56 #2
Starkes Lineup, auch ohne Kai. Ich mach mir mal den Spass
einer Top 6-Prediction:
1. Branch
2. Centopani
3. Wolf
4. D. Jackson
5. Rockel
6. Obaid
Und vier Frauenklassen, aber keine 202? Hm...
25.12.2010, 20:12 #3
obiad niemals vor einem martinez oder winklaar
25.12.2010, 21:50 #4
Gewagt, ich weiss. Aber wenn er sich noch einmal so verbessern kann wie von der letzten ASC bis zur ESS und er an seinen Beinen gearbeitet hat, dann traue ich ihm eine Überraschung zu. Und davon gab es ja so einige zuletzt, positiv wie negativ.
25.12.2010, 22:35 #5
25.12.2010, 22:50 #6
Lassen wir uns überraschen
. Man weiss ja nie, was ist Hype, was ist Photoshop... Gerade auch bei Centopani bin ich diesbezüglich gespannt!
02.01.2011, 12:37 #7
Marius Grattrud of Norway WILL NOT compete in the 2011 Arnold Classic.
2011 Arnold Classic Entrants
Evan Centopani
Toney Freeman
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Ronny Rockel
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf
11.01.2011, 18:49 #8
Abiad und Shelestov erweitern das Feld der Arnolds. Denke mal kein "threat" für Wolf und Rockel...
Today on Facebook, the Arnold Sports Fesitval announced that Fouad Abiad and Sergey Shelestov have been added to the list of offical invites to the Arnold Classic.
Following a year off, Abiad has been training harder than ever in preparation for the inaugural Flex Pro on February 19. After being left off the initial list of invites, Abiad had hoped a top three finish at the Flex Pro would get him and invite to Columbus. The wait is over and Abiad will fulfill his dream to compete in the Arnold Classic.
Russian IFBB Pro Sergey Shelestov will be competing in his fourth Arnold Classic. He finished as high as eighth in 2009 and will look to return to that form. Shelestov was first recognized for his potential in 2006 when he finished third in the Grand Prix Romania. First and second that year went to two guys named Cutler and Coleman.
2011 ARNOLD CLASSIC ENTRANTS (as of 1/10/11)
Fouad Abiad
Evan Centopani
Toney Freeman
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Ronny Rockel
Sergey Shelestov
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf
12.01.2011, 19:22 #9The final contestant is Mohammad Touri.
Interessanter, symphatischer Athlet, gute Qualität, gute Ausstrahlung, etwas hektisches Posing, Waden mau, letztes Jahr Gesamtsieger der IFBB-Amateur-WM in Baku.
but also no threat...
13.01.2011, 18:17 #10
noch mal
News Fouad hat eine Einladung zur ASC 2010 erhalten
Arnold Classic Competitor List Update!
Fouad Abiad, Sergey Shelestov, and Ali Tabrizi Invited to Arnold Classic
January 11, 2011
Today on Facebook, the Arnold Sports Fesitval announced that Fouad Abiad and Sergey Shelestov have been added to the list of offical invites to the Arnold Classic. Later in the day, Flex got word that Ali Tabrizi is also invited.
Following a year off, Abiad has been training harder than ever in preparation for the inaugural Flex Pro on February 19. After being left off the initial list of invites, Abiad had hoped a top three finish at the Flex Pro would get him and invite to Columbus. The wait is over and Abiad will fulfill his dream to compete in the Arnold Classic.
Russian IFBB Pro Sergey Shelestov will be competing in his fourth Arnold Classic. He finished as high as eighth in 2009 and will look to return to that form. Shelestov was first recognized for his potential in 2006 when he finished third in the Grand Prix Romania. First and second that year went to two guys named Cutler and Coleman.
Ali Tabrizi of Iran has also been invited and given the chance to make his Arnold debut. Tabrizi has won the IFBB World Amateur Championships in 2006, 2008, and 2009.
2011 ARNOLD CLASSIC ENTRANTS (as of 1/10/11)
Fouad Abiad
Evan Centopani
Toney Freeman
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Ronny Rockel
Sergey Shelestov
Ali Tabrizi
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf
14.01.2011, 20:03 #11
Stand: 11.01.2001
Fouad Abiad
Evan Centopani
Toney Freeman
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Victor Martinez
Essa Obaid
Ben Pakulski
Robert Piotrkowicz
Ronny Rockel
Sergey Shelestov
Mohammad Touri
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf
Mohammad Touri dazu gekommen.
20.01.2011, 15:58 #12
Dennis Wolf 43 Tage vorher
20.01.2011, 21:37 #13
Sauber. Freue mich schon auf die "Dennis Wolf-Woche" auf Muscular Development TV im Februar.
21.01.2011, 19:41 #14
Ronny mit 110kg
02.02.2011, 19:20 #15
Und hier könnt ihr die ASC Live anschauen wenn es soweit ist!
>>>>>>Liveschaltung<<<<<Geändert von Zum Rausche (02.02.2011 um 19:23 Uhr)
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