Ergebnis 31 bis 37 von 37
28.07.2010, 14:01 #31
ja und was bringn mir die ersten saetze mit 10 wdh die ich locker flockig abreisse
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28.07.2010, 14:03 #32
Vorermüdung natürlich
01.08.2010, 00:55 #33
Place a small mounting box midway between the widest opening of the upright
support posts of the V-bar (only on the models that don’t have crossbars at the base
of the uprights). Now, while facing the inner V of the bars, stand on the pedestal or
crossbar and assume the exact position which you would be in at the beginning or
starting point of the dip.
Grasp the V-bars with a thumbless or false grip (palms and heels of hands facing
outward instead of inward as with a suitcase or neutral grip) and the thumbs to the
rear. The distance between the thumbs should be approximately 32 inches. Not only
is this the most comfortable grip to assume (especially if the bar is fabricated from a
round steel tubing), but also it places minimum stress on the biceps. With your arms
straight and your elbows locked, tuck your chin into your chest. Next, round or bow
your feet off the crossbar and position them parallel or under your feet off the
crossbar and position them parallel or under your face slightly in front of the abs.
Your posture will appear like a scimitar, or curved, single-edge Arabian sword.
Relax your abdominals and inhale a deep breath of air. Slowly, begin to lower your
body through space while flaring your elbows out laterally in alignment with your
shoulder joints. With pinpoint concentration, never allow the elbows to drift
rearward beyond the plane of the upper body.
Continue to bend your arms at the elbow joints, lowering your body until the outer
aspect of your pecs are two or three inches away from your hands. It is important to
mention that Larry Scott uses this exercise almost exclusively in his pec-pumping
routine. When doing so, he will go for an extra stretch (contraction) in his lower
pecs, stopping the rep when his elbows are midway between shoulder height and
straight overhead. Then, he will do what he calls “double bounces” or measured movements,
where he only pulls himself up 10 to 12 inches from the bottom of the
negative stretch contraction and back down again (controlled half-reps). He repeats
this sequence more than once.
Larry will also inhale short breaths during the stretching phase of his doublebounce
technique (quickly exhaling the air from his lungs during the measured
movements) which allows his rib cage to expand fully. But, this is only possible
because his abdominals and serratus are relaxed as much as possible. Should you
try this, then after your double bounces are completed, concentrate on pulling with
the power of your pecs to raise your body by straightening the arms by small
degrees (wile continuing to keep your elbows rotated and wide to the front) until you
assume the “top” starting point of the pec dip.
The feel you are looking for (and bear with me in this) will be very similar to the one
you could imagine feeling during the positive phase if you could perform a decline
press and a cable crossover simultaneously. It may sound obscure, but when
achieved, that’s the purest form of pec contraction you will ever hope to experience.
If you don’t have the strength or flexibility to do full range of motion V-bar dips in
the manner described, then do them to within your own limited range of movement.
From the “top” starting point you might begin by lowering just an inch or so, then
pull right back up to the starting point. Then, each proceeding workout, try to lower
yourself a couple of inches further than in the previous workout.
Pro Tip: One of Larry Scott’s favorite pec-bombing techniques is to superset, or
alternate the V-bar dips with another good pulling exercise that uses the same basic
movement. In this case, it would be a 15-degree decline dumbbell flyes. This is done
for a three to four series. At the bottom of the negative stretch contraction, on the
decline dumbbell flyes, he will flex his neck and raise his head a few inches off the
bench. This little action assists him in creating an even deeper stretch in his pecs.
Until a few years ago, Vice Gironda, had one of the only gyms in the nation to
feature the “V” dipping bar. That has since changed. Larry Scott and his associates
now manufacture an excellent V dipping bar.
01.08.2010, 14:50 #34
Hab beide bücher
den theard werd ich nich weiter führen .
DIe ersten ergebnisse von seinen Tipps seh ich shcon bei mir
trotz diät
is etwas haut an meiner brust und über meiner hinteren shculter gerissen !
An dem armen sind überall kleine weiße risse weil seine übungen für den bizeps echt reinhauenTrizeps hab ich noch nix bemerkt
08.08.2010, 00:01 #35DIe ersten ergebnisse von seinen Tipps seh ich shcon bei mir
trotz diät
is etwas haut an meiner brust und über meiner hinteren shculter gerissen !
An dem armen sind überall kleine weiße risse weil seine übungen für den bizeps echt reinhauenTrizeps hab ich noch nix bemerkt
Also ruft mich jetzt an und bestellt und kriegt für nur 99,90 beide Bücher und einen gratis Eiweißshaker für noch mehr Masse.
08.08.2010, 00:49 #36
toller und sachlicher Beitrag
Was für Studien kannst du vorweißen, die deine Bücher belegen
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