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  1. #556

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  2. #557

  3. #558
    Being greeted by two naked models with suds on their booties
    They give me hugs and lots of kisses
    And they ask me what my wish is
    I say go and call your bitches cause there's gonna be a party Ansehen ? Ansehen ?

    Ansehen ?

  4. #559
    Geändert von BloodyVampire (25.05.2010 um 19:29 Uhr)

  5. #560
    Ansehen ? "Father To Son"

    Somewhere down the road, you're gonna find a place
    It seems so far, but it never is
    You won't need to stay, but you might lose your strength
    on the way

    Sometimes you may feel you're the only one
    Cos all the things you thought were safe, now they're gone
    But you won't be alone, I'll be here to carry you along
    Watching you 'til all your work is done

    When you find your heart, you'd better run with it
    Cos when she comes along, she could be breaking it
    No there's nothing wrong, you're learning to be strong
    Don't look back
    She may soon be gone, no don't look back
    She's not the only one, remember that

    If your heart is beating fast, then you know she's right
    If you don't know what to say, well, that's all right
    You don't know what to do?
    Remember she is just as scared as you

    Don't be shy, even when it hurts to say
    Remember, you're gonna get hurt someday, anyway
    Then you must lift your head, keep it there
    Remember what I said
    I'll always be with you don't forget
    Just look over your shoulder I'll be there.

  6. #561

  7. #562
    das lied ham wir schon auf seite 37 arnie...

    entschuldige dich bitte für deinen fehler...!

  8. #563
    Ansehen ? Zitat von Sixpack Ansehen ?
    das lied ham wir schon auf seite 37 arnie...

    entschuldige dich bitte für deinen fehler...!
    Was hört ihr gerade für Musik, Teil 6

    Ich bin mir keiner Schuld bewusstAnsehen ?

  9. #564

  10. #565

  11. #566

  12. #567
    In Bulgarien waren da sdie 2 Lieder die am meisten in den Clubs liefen. Zieht euch allein mal die Vids rein...hammaaaaaaaaaaaAnsehen ?

    Ansehen ?

    Ansehen ?

  13. #568
    das erste vid könnte man glatt in den "geile frauen bilder thread" posten! Ansehen ?

  14. #569

  15. #570

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