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  1. #361

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  2. #362
    Oh, schon kurz vor 3:00 Uhr.
    Zum Schluss 2 Platten, wenn ich die spiele kommen fragen nach dem Titel.
    Hier sind sie.

    1. Mason Williams - Classical Gas
    Ansehen ?

  3. #363
    2. The Settlers - The Lightning Tree
    (Aus der 70er Jahre TV-Serie Follyfoot Farm)
    Ansehen ?

    Ansehen ?

  4. #364

  5. #365
    Die BB-Hymne

    Ansehen ?

    Eine heiße Frau singt "I want muscles"!

    She said she wants a man
    To always understand
    But that's alright for her
    Still it ain't enough for me

    She said she wants a guy
    To keep her satisfied
    But that's alright for her
    But it ain't enough for me

    Still, I don't care if he's young or old
    (Just make him beautiful)
    I just want someone I can hold on to

    I want muscles
    All, all over his body
    (Make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)
    I want muscles
    All, all over his body
    (Make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)

    They say they have to see
    His real personality
    But that's alright for them
    Still it ain't enough for me

    I need what the eyes can see, ah
    (His anatomy)
    If that's alright for them
    Still it ain't enough for me

    I don't care if he's young or old
    Just make him beautiful
    I just want some strong man to hold on to

    I want muscles
    All, all over his body
    (Make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)
    I want muscles
    All over his body
    (Make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)

    Muscle man, I want to love you
    In the sun, oil on your body
    Come with me, high in the cascades
    Let this be, we've got this thing made
    Lost at sea, hide the desert
    Stay with me, you won't regret it
    Take this love, so deep to swim in
    Come to me, and let the love in

    She said she wants a man
    To always understand
    But that's alright for her
    Still it ain't enough for me

    I don't care if he's young or old
    (Just make him beautiful)
    I just want someone I can hold on to

    I want muscles
    All, all over his body
    (Make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)
    I want muscles
    All over him, all over him
    I want muscles
    All, all over his body
    I want muscles

    I want all I can get
    All over him, all over him
    I want muscles, muscles, muscles

  6. #366

  7. #367

  8. #368

  9. #369

  10. #370
    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="Ansehen ? name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="Ansehen ? type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
    Geändert von thobett (30.04.2010 um 21:10 Uhr)

  11. #371

  12. #372

  13. #373

  14. #374
    Ansehen ? Zitat von mcselede Ansehen ?
    Was geiles
    Ansehen ?
    au ja, das lied ist ein dauerbrenner!

  15. #375

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