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Thema: Furazadrol erfahrungen?
13.08.2009, 17:30 #1
Furazadrol erfahrungen?
Furazadrol ist eine neue, aktivere Version des bestbekannten Stanozolol/Winstrol.
hat von euch jemand schon erfahrungen damit gemacht?Ein Kumpel von mir schwärmt davon... möchte daher mehr darüber wissen ob ich ihn runter holen soll oder ob ich sagen kann nimm es...liebe grüße
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15.08.2009, 10:25 #2
keine links zu fremden foren bitte
Hi all
I've been on a long designer oral cycle this summer and will most likely review all once pct is done, however I wanted to pop something up about my findings with furazadrol now. I was looking forward to trying it, had got hold of some quite cheap and thought it would be a decent stacker being unmethylated and predominantly anabolic in nature.
I've been running 250mg ed alongside 30mg epi for 3 weeks followed by 300mg ed alongside the epi at 30mg and then 40mg ed for the last 2 weeks, have ran epi in earlier cycles so am well aware of how it affects me at that dose. I can honestly say there's been no additional effect from the f-drol over what epi would have been by itself, despite suggested dosing being 150mg ed and my running it a good bit higher throughout, and double for the last 2 weeks.
My opinion only of course, but my suggestion is not to waste money on furazadrol. Of course it could be that my liver is highly efficient and the unmethylated nature of f-drol meant my body knocked it out pretty quickly, but xtreme tren (also unmethylated) did give results over and above what the pp I stacked it with would give by itself, so at least some f-drol should have been surviving first pass.Geändert von Ronny Kohlmann (15.08.2009 um 11:22 Uhr)
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