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Thema: Dexter Jackson "News"
08.10.2011, 22:21 #16
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08.10.2011, 22:25 #17
Kann schon sein, seine Beine fand ich aber auch brutal ^^ Ist halt nochmal was anderes wenn du es live siehst
Egal mit dem dritten hat er ja auch seine Quali wenn ichs gerade richtig im Kopf habe?!
08.10.2011, 22:30 #18
08.10.2011, 22:35 #19
Wie heisst es so schön: "Backs win Contests" - und in der BDB und dem BLS schlägt Dexter den Ronny. Ich hab den Wettkampf im MD-Forum verfolgt, da hatte niemand Ronny besser als auf 3, manche sahen sogar Toney oder Hide noch vor ihm... Bei der FIBO hatte ich Ronny knapp vorn, hier kannst Du das so werten.
11.12.2011, 12:16 #20
1. Platz Masters 2011
18.02.2012, 09:35 #21
Bein-Workout 3 weeks out AC
21.02.2012, 19:15 #22
Brust-Workout 2,5 weeks out
04.03.2012, 11:56 #23
5. Platz AC 2012
06.05.2012, 10:36 #24
Gastposing Pittsburgh Gestern Abend
17.08.2012, 16:31 #25
Dexter Jackson Receives Ben Weider Achievement Award!
Prior to his passing in 2008, IFBB Co-founder Ben Weider commissioned an award to be presented annually to a member of the bodybuilding industry who has achieved at the highest level, while serving as an ambassador to the bodybuilding community. Presented each year in Tampa, Florida at the IFBB's "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships", The Ben Weider Lifetime Achievement Award has honored the likes of Chris Dickerson, Rich Gaspari, Lee Haney and Lee Labrada. This year's honor went to 2008 Mr. Olympia Dexter Jackson.
During an emotional on-stage ceremony, host Dan Solomon (IFBB Press Commission/PBW Founder) handled the presentation in front of a sold-out crowd at Tampa’s Grand Hyatt. Solomon pointed out that Jackson is “the most decorated and accomplished bodybuilder that the state of Florida has ever produced", as the crowd erupted in applause.
In his acceptance speech, Jackson reflected back to that unforgettable night in 2008 when he became the final Mr. Olympia champion to receive his Sandow Trophy on stage directly from the hands of Ben Weider, just 6 weeks before Weider passed away.
When asked about this year's honoree, IFBB Pro League President Jim Manion said, "I'm proud of Dexter. He has gone from a bantam-weight to an Olympia champion. His story has inspired a lot of kids to dream big."
The award was presented on behalf of The Weider Family, Jim Manion, MSGT Rob Wilkins, Event Promoter Tim Gardner, Dan Solomon, and the memory of Ben Weider.
30.09.2012, 09:36 #26
4. Platz Mr. Olympia 2012
10.12.2012, 12:39 #27
1. Platz Masters Mr. Olympia 2012
01.03.2013, 22:03 #28
03.03.2013, 11:15 #29
1. Platz AC 2013
03.03.2013, 16:47 #30
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