Ergebnis 1 bis 13 von 13
15.04.2009, 10:35 #1
Tampa Championships 7-8. 08.2009
7.-8. August Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships Under 202lbs in Tampa, Florida
$6.000 - Non Qualifier
- Anzeigen
24.06.2009, 01:18 #2
hier ist die Teilnehmerliste Stand 22/6/09
06.07.2009, 22:14 #3
Schwere Verletzung für Jaroslav
Jaroslav Horváth hat sich schwer verletzt. Damit ist seine Saison jetzt leider zu Ende. Er trainiert zwar weiter die Muskelgruppen, die nicht von der Verletzung betroffen sind, wird aber nicht mehr in Florida beim Tampa IFBB Pro Championship am 7. und 8. August teilnehmen können!
Auf Grund seiner schweren Verletzung muß Jaroslav Horváth jetzt leider diese Saison vorzeitig beenden.
Jaroslav verletzte sich die Sehne vom Quadrizeps am Knie und muß jetzt für die nächsten 6 Wochen eine Bandage(am Knie) tragen.
Wir wünschen Ihm eine gute Besserung und hoffen dass er schon bald wieder sein Hardcore-Training fortsetzen kann.
02.08.2009, 20:28 #4
Eddie Abbew
Fouad Abiad
Darrem Charles
Mike Debenham
Alfonso Del Rio
Clarence DeVis
Tarek Elsetouhi
Mike Ergas
Marcus "Comet" Haley
Mike Horn
Jaroslav Horvath
Roland Huff
Leo "Battleship" Ingram
Johnnie Jackson
Dennis the "Menace" James
Jeffrey Long
Jari Mentula
Craig Richardson
Jonathan Rowe
Jan Salaks
Joel Stubbs
Ben White
Bill Wilmore
Fadi Zaazaa
08.08.2009, 16:49 #5
Geändert von Zum Rausche (08.08.2009 um 17:34 Uhr)
08.08.2009, 17:32 #6
08.08.2009, 17:39 #7
08.08.2009, 17:46 #8
krasses bild
08.08.2009, 19:10 #9
Hier Dave Palumbos Statement zur Open:
EDDIE ABBEW: CONDITIONING is good........... glutes striated........ good front double biceps.......... best conditioning to date
FOUAD ABIAD: condition is spot on…ripped glutes and hams……..back is improved…..inner thighs need to come up.
GRIGORI ATOYAN: USA SHW champ…conditioning is as good as USA’s….enough size to hang…glutes and hams are ripped…wide back.
LIONEL BROWN: great upper body….conditioning needs work….legs need to come up to match huge upper body.
FEDEL CLARK: undersized for the pros…good bis but triceps need to grow.
MIKE DEBENHAM: nice shape…..small waist….good symmetry….needs more size, especially in the legs……condition is decent….holding a lot of water.
OMAR DECKARD: undersized legs…..could be drier…good arms and shoulders…..holding water.
ALFONSO DEL RIO: condition is good….tan is distracting….good arms and shoulders…great calves.
CLARENCE DEVIS: good shape…huge arms….big flaring quads….great chest….condition is good, but holding a little water.
TAREK ELSETOUHI: trained by Chris Aceto….condtion is real good…upper body looks bigger….very thick….ripped hams….holding some water on glutes and lower back…back needs width…dominant side poses.
DeSHAUN GRIMEZ: good front double bi….impressive shoulders….good back….glutes and lower back need to be harder...back is not comparable to front
MARCUS HALEY: condition is good…..shoulders, chest , and arms are good….left leg (torn) is still smaller….striated glutes….best package he’s brought in a long time.
MIKE HORN: legs are undersized….big upper body....condition is good.
LEO INGRAM: qualified for first Olympia last year…one of the bigger competitors on stage…needs oil….could be a little drier.
JOHNNIE JACKSON: upper body is thick….good pecs…thick back….glutes could be tighter….legs need to improve.
DENNIS JAMES: condition is real good….ripped hams…glutes can be tigher….good back double bi.
FRANK MCGRATH: big arms and delts….condition is good….striated glutes….undersized legs.
JARI MENTULA: good calves….muddy tan….can be tighter.
BEN PAKULSKI: made improvements….great legs….crazy calves….condition is good….striated glutes and ripped hams….back needs size….legs are so good it makes his upper body look weak…needs another 5-7lbs to be at the top.
ROBERT PIOTRKOWICZ: good side chest pose…..tons of muscle….good conditioning….legs need to come up….good overall package.
CRAIG RICHARDSON: needs more color….condition can improve….very watery.
JONATHAN ROWE: good legs….chest needs to come up….small waist….condition is good….just needs some size.
YANS SALAKS: condition is off….color is too light…good quads.
JOEL STUBBS: huge upper body….biggest back in the IFBB….thick delts, pecs, and arms…legs are undersized….needs to be drier.
BEN WHITE: condition is good….thich pecs…best he’s ever looked.
BILL WILMORE: needs to be darker…legs look undersized….condition is good….watery from behind….a little flat.
FADI ZAAZAA: dream tan….nice shape…..needs more size, especially legs.
08.08.2009, 19:25 #10
08.08.2009, 19:36 #11
Fouad Abiad
Tarek Elsetouhi
Dennis James
Ben White
Ben Pakulski
Bill Willmore
Lionel Brown
Marcus Haley
Johnnie Jackson
Leo Ingram
Craig Richardson
Frank McGrath
Grigori Atoyan
DeShaun Grimez
Eddie Abbew
Robert Piotrkowicz
Clarence Devis
Fourth callout:
Ben white
bill wilmore
johnnie jackson
frank mcgrath
marcus haley
craig richardson
Eddie Abbew
Clarence Devis
Mike Debenham
Robert Piotrkowicz
Omar Deckard
Alfonso Del Rio
Jonathan Rowe
Fidel Clark
Mike Horn
Fadi Zaazaa
Yans Salakis
Jari Mentula
08.08.2009, 20:08 #12
Nach Dave Palumbo und John Romano:
1. Dennis
2. Fouad
3. Ben Pakulski
09.08.2009, 12:31 #13
Männer oben
1. Dennis James
2. Fouad Abiad
3. Ben Pakulski
4. Bill Wilmore
5. Ben White
6. Tarek Elsetouhi
7. Leo Ingram
8. Johnnie Jackson
9. Frank McGrath
10. Marcus Haley
11. Craig Richardson
12. Joel Stubbs
13. Lionel Brown
14. Clarence DeVis
15. Robert Piotrkowicz
16. Eddie Abbew
17. Grigori Atoyan
18. DeShaun Grimez
18. Mike Horn
18. Jari Mentula
18. Jonathan Rowe
18. Yans Salaks
18. Fadi ZaaZaa
Fedel Clarke
Mike Debenham
Omar Deckard
Alfonso DelRio
Roland Huff
Rod Ketchens
Jeffrey Long
1. David Henry
2. John Hodgson
3. Lee Powell
4. Steve Namat
5. Tricky Jackson
6. Rod Ketchens
7. Jeffrey Long
8. Nathan Wonsley
9. Jocelyn Jean
10. Anthony Finocciaro
11. Roland Huff
1. Betty Pariso
2. Gale Frankie
3. Tina Chandler
4. Nicole Ball
5. Klaudia Larson
6. Angela Salvangno
7. Myriam Bustamante
8. Bev Direnzo
9. Carmen Knights
10. Irene Anderson
11. Jenna Mackey
12. Maryse Manios
13. Aurelia Grozajova
14. Nicole Acker
15. Elizabeth GomezGeändert von Zum Rausche (09.08.2009 um 12:34 Uhr)
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