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  1. #16
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    11. Platz AC 2013
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg mh.jpg (65,4 KB, 2x aufgerufen)
    • Dateityp: jpg mh2.jpg (291,3 KB, 2x aufgerufen)
    • Dateityp: jpg mh1.jpg (285,7 KB, 1x aufgerufen)

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  2. #17
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    7. Platz New York Pro 2013
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg mh.jpg (57,1 KB, 9x aufgerufen)
    • Dateityp: jpg mh2.jpg (101,5 KB, 6x aufgerufen)

  3. #18
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    10. Platz Toronto Pro Supershow 2013
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  4. #19
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Rücktritt vom Wettkampfsport:

    As I sit here in my favorite little breakfast place....I can't help but reflect back on the year I had and what it means for the coming year. I have loved and lost I have tasted victory and been crippled by defeat. The sport of bodybuilding has given me so much but at such a great cost! I think of the opportunities I have missed as I stood by watching life's traveling circus damn it makes me pissed. Then I smile when I think of all the people I have met and made smile on the way....if it was only for a moment as they said "hey!" For that was the life in which I had choose forever my legacy standing in time froze! I stand here half broken man ready for a new start...I so loved a sport that left me with an enlarged heart. Each time it's skips a beat I'm reminded of the times...of my crazy life and how it unwinds. I have no regrets I blazed my own trail but now I will stand tall for this next chapter I will unveil. I hang up the trunks for its my last time thank you my friends and fans for our time together was truly devine!

    I will always love the sport of Bodybuilding.


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