Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: --wählt eure TOP 3

17. Diese Umfrage ist geschlossen
  • Bautista Francisco

    5 29,41%
  • Centopani Evan

    0 0%
  • Charles Darrem

    0 0%
  • Elsetouhi Tarek

    4 23,53%
  • Faour Aiman

    0 0%
  • Ingram Leo

    0 0%
  • James (DJ) Dennis

    9 52,94%
  • Kefalianos Michael

    0 0%
  • Liu Vincent

    0 0%
  • Mentula Jari

    0 0%
  • Mishin Eugene

    0 0%
  • Mula Francisco Javier

    1 5,88%
  • Markus Rühl

    15 88,24%
  • Samuel Silvio

    5 29,41%
  • Seccarecci Daniele

    0 0%
  • Sergovskiy Denis

    0 0%
  • Shelestov Sergey

    0 0%
  • Van Amsterdam Eduard

    0 0%
  • White Ben

    1 5,88%
  • Yamagishi Hidetada

    0 0%
Seite 1 von 3 123 LetzteLetzte
Ergebnis 1 bis 15 von 44
  1. #1

    New York Pro 2009 (16. Mai)

    Am 16. Mai ist es soweit

    Markus Rühl`s Comeback

    IFBB New York Men’s Professional Bodybuilding Championships

    •   Alt



  2. #2
    Geil ey! Und diesmal sollen se den Amis net immer Vorteil geben, Markus hats sowas von verdient mal einen Top3 Platz zu bekommen!

  3. #3
    Stand 10.04.09

    Markus Rühl
    Tarek Elsetouhi
    Kai Greene
    Paco Mula
    Jari Mentula
    Kevin English
    Evan Centaponi

  4. #4

    Tarek wird auch dabei sein!

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7 jetzt könnt ihr voten

  8. #8
    Ich hoffe mal, dass Rühl das rennen macht.
    Wäre ein mehr als gelungenes Comeback und insbesondere nach den Rückschlägen kurz vor seinem Rücktritt mal eine entspr. Entschädigung für ihn... zumal sein Form ohnehin der absolute Knaller ist

  9. #9

    also eure TOP3

  10. #10

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Zitat Zitat von Thor's Hammer Beitrag anzeigen
    Na super... das sagste jetzt

    Naja.. lieber spät wie nie

  13. #13
    Die Champions geben ihre Tipps ab;

    MELVIN ANTHONY, 2008 Mr. Olympia, 6th place
    Winner: Silvio Samuel
    Why: His recent track record is hard to ignore. He brings condition and full, round shape. If the judges are swinging towards mass, you have to throw Dennis James and Sergey Shelestov in there.

    202 winneravid Henry
    Why: He's got it all: size, symmetry and condition. He's the most complete from head to toe and that's what wins shows.

    BOB CICHERILLO, IFBB Athlete Representative
    Winner: Silvio Samuel
    Why: He's the highest ranking guy and he's beaten everybody in this lineup before.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: He's a class above the rest of the 202 guys. But this division is heating up and it's gonna be interesting to see what happens at the Olympia 202 Showdown.

    RONNIE COLEMAN, 1998-2005 Mr. Olympia
    Winner: Dennis James
    Why: I saw Dennis at FIBO and he was by far the biggest I've ever seen him - and shredded to the bone. He's a seasoned veteran and he's hungry for the win.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: He's always shredded and for this class, he's one big boy. He knows how to make an impact. Both David and Dennis will head into the Olympia with momentum.

    BRANDON CURRY, 2008 NPC USA Heavyweight and overall winner
    Winner: Silvio Samuel
    Why: He was not happy after the Arnold Classic so I'm sure he'll bring the pain. His conditioning is on so he should stand out in this show.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: He wants to erase his loss to Kevin English at last year's show. He's on a mission to prove that he's the world's best 202 and under bodybuilder.

    JAY CUTLER, 2006-07 Mr. Olympia
    Winner: Evan Centopani
    Why: He's big, ripped and has a great frame.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: Carries lots of muscle, has the condition and he's the Olympia 202 champ.

    TONEY FREEMAN, 2009 Arnold Classic, 4th place
    Winner: Silvio Samuel
    Why: He'll be in shape. As the highest ranking pro in the show, you have to think he's taking it home.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: He's the Olympia 202 Showdown champ and I just know he's gonna be on. Game over, baby!

    DEXTER JACKSON, 2008 Mr. Olympia
    Winner: Dennis James
    Why: He's got good shape, gets hard and he's really brought his waist down. Plus, he's still got the size advantage.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: Best 202 dude in the world. End of story!

    FLEX LEWIS, 2008 Europa Super Show 202 Champion
    Winner: Dennis James
    Why: New York likes freaks, so if Dennis is dialed in, he might edge it out.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: He wants redemption for English beating him last year.

    PETER PUTNAM, 2008 NPC Nationals, light-heavyweight winner
    Winner: Silvio Samuel
    Why: Based on his recent placings, he's the top contender. Even though structurally some guys could give him a push, it will be hard to place ahead of Sil if he is the most conditioned guy there.

    202 winner: David Henry
    Why: Henry's beaten English, but we can't forget English bested Henry at this very same show a year ago. This will be a dog fight, but I predict Henry comes out on top.

    Naja keiner tippt auf unseren Rühl

  14. #14
    Die sind alle neidisch. Wäre echt en' Ding, wenn Samuel gewinnt.
    Ein (m.M.n.) unsympathischerer BB fällt mir gerade nicht ein.

  15. #15
    Was heisst hier neidisch? Der Rühl hat die letzten Male eben keine gute Form auf die Bühne gebracht. Es gibt Fachleute, die auch nicht glauben, daß er das nochmal schafft. Mein Favourit auf den Sieg ist er auch nicht.

Seite 1 von 3 123 LetzteLetzte

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