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Thema: Kevin Levrone "News"
26.06.2009, 12:52 #91
Isostatiches Training sehe ich eher als Laktattoleranz Training. Aber nicht für Masseaufbau... 60kilo Experte
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28.06.2009, 17:26 #92
This bench workout was mainly a test to see if I could bench a solid 315 lbs. The rule of thumb is if you can do 225 lbs x 10, you can bench 315 lbs. I repeated the set four times to verify I was at a solid 315 lbs max, then I put up the actual 315 lbs twice – no sweat. Probably could have done a few more. This is a good sign. When I get my legs a little stronger on the squats I’ll have the complete foundation to start adding serious muscle.
Here are two more clips below of the remaining chest exercises, followed by a write up of today’s full workout. At the end of clip 3 I couldn’t hold back from bustin’ out one of my favorite moves.
Thanks for your support. It’s great to know that many of you are following along with the same workouts. I’ll be posting End Of Week 5 photos tomorrow, early, so check it out.Geändert von Zum Rausche (28.06.2009 um 17:30 Uhr)
30.06.2009, 14:53 #93
[ame][/ame]ändert von Zum Rausche (30.06.2009 um 15:12 Uhr)
02.07.2009, 13:52 #94
June 30, 2009
Here are the leg photos from Sunday. Check out three clips below from today’s leg workout.
The leg strength is starting to happen. Ended my squat workout with three sets of 275 lbs and hit 405 lbs x 6 on my last set of hack squats. These numbers are way up from last time. Trained a little lighter than before on leg extensions and lying down curls. Shows I spent more energy on mass building squats and didn’t have as much left for the machines. Fine by me.
RX Muscle challenged me to take a steroid test yesterday in a radio interview with Dave Palumbo and John Romano. I agreed to take any test, as long as it was credible, both now and at the end of the eight weeks. Sooner the better. They’ll be putting something together hopefully in the next week. Whatever goes down, you guys will be first to know – I’ll be posting details of the whole experience, right here.
After you check out the leg clips and full program from today, listen to the interview and check out the Levrone Agrees To Steroid Test! announcement on They’re skeptical, but both Dave and John said if I test clean it will be good for the sport of bodybuilding. I guess that’s good news for bodybuilding, because I’m definitely clean.
– Kevin
02.07.2009, 15:22 #95
wie nimmt er muskeln zu aber das fett auf dem ersten bild ist auf dem 2 bild weg wie macht der das ???
02.07.2009, 15:26 #96
Na, Muskeln zunehmen, bei wenig zunahme von Fett.
02.07.2009, 18:13 #97
dieser mann is meine motivation !!! wenn ich schwul wäre würde ich ihn heiraten
03.07.2009, 12:04 #98
Back workouts are getting interesting. I have the thickness now to where I can start chiseling and refining the muscles. I do this by implementing a variety of hand positions on the pulling exercises, as you’ll see in the three back videos below.
It’s best to train hamstrings fresh. Some people do quads and hamstrings in the same workout – they put everything into quads and lose out on hamstrings. Definitely do your leg curls fresh to handle heavier weights, like I did in the two leg videos below.
I’m blown away by the names you guys are coming up with for the supplement. I just found out that because Extreme Full Blown is an existing supplement, unfortunately Full Blown can’t be used, even as part of a bigger name. Also found out that M3 can’t appear by itself within the name because of copyright issues. That’s okay, you’ve given me tons of awesome names – it’s going to be hard to choose.
I’m putting up the poll tomorrow. Feel free to post names all the way up until I launch the poll. I’ll be watching.
– Kevin
05.07.2009, 18:23 #99
Here are highlights from yesterday’s chest/shoulders/tris workout. I’ve seen great gains this week. I’ll be posting the week six picture and bustin’ out some more poses on video tomorrow.
I’ve been getting a few comments from people worried that this might all be a publicity stunt to sell a product. That’s not the case at all. I’m sharing my journey with you directly, instead of through an impersonal, manufactured sponsorship. It’s brought inspiration and a sense of responsibility into my life.
Asking you to help with the name shows that I have no pre-planned marketing agenda. What you see is what you get. I collaborated with a nutrition expert I used back when I was competing – just weeks ago we developed a unique, common-sense blend that has a tremendous effect on the way I feel during my workouts. It will all be clear to you when you try it.
If you want to take a pass on the supplement, that’s fine, too. It has nothing to do with this blog. The blog will go on after the transformation, and regardless of whether I’m selling something. I’m not a communist, I believe in making money. But not with lies and manipulation. I’m offering you something I believe in.
Now let’s get back to more important matters, like training. Check out this intense flat bench dumbell set below. Let me know if you can match it.
– Kevin
Full Workout:
Dumbell Press:
60 lbs x 10,
80lbs x 10,
90lbs x 6,
120 lbs x 5,
115 lbs x 6.
Incline Smith Press:
135 lbs x 6,
225 lbs x 6,
225 lbs x 6,
225 lbs x 6
Peck Deck Flies:
120 lbs x 12,
130 lbs x 12,
130 lbs x 12,
150 lbs x 12
Super Set Side Lateral Raises:
4 sets of 15 lbs x 10; then 20 lbs x 10, 25 lbs x 10 (6 sets total)
EZ Curl Bar Push Downs:
4 sets of 150 lbs x 20
05.07.2009, 18:35 #100
07.07.2009, 14:17 #101
Mal auf das Bild drauf klicken
07.07.2009, 14:35 #102
krasser typ
07.07.2009, 20:40 #103
The Finger Man is back. That last video met with intense reactions, but most of you are into checking this guy out, even if you don’t agree with all of it. So here’s another look, this time: the Finger Man’s diet.
Finger Man eats raw food. He explains why in this video. Surprisingly, a lot of it made sense to me. I’m not going to switch to a raw diet any time soon – but I’m open to the idea that it has its benefits. Finger Man had me try some raw food – tasted better than I thought and afterwards I felt fantastic. (Don’t try it at home unless you research it – he has special ways of preparing it that make it safe to eat.)
If we’ve learned one thing from my transformation it’s that you never know what’s possible. Be open-minded and rational. Look at the facts. Be willing to change your mind or let go of old beliefs. Take away something from every experience and/or research it on your own.
Have the guts to try new things. That’s how you succeed in life. Whether you agree with this dude or not, he has guts, he follows his own path with full commitment, and that’s something we can all aspire to.
Here’s Part Two: Raw food
07.07.2009, 20:45 #104
Vorallem der Unterschied zwischen der 5 und 6 Woche ist gigantisch
08.07.2009, 21:21 #105
Was geht mit dem ab?!
Das is ja unglaublich, in 6 Wochen ein neuer Body!?
Der Typ is krass!
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