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  1. #391

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  2. #392
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Jay jetzt mit seiner eigenen Supplemente-Firma "Alpha Helix", hier die Pressemitteilung:

    – (April 16, 2012) – Robert “Mac” Gately, CEO of Alpha Helix, a Las Vegas-based enterprise dedicated to the creation and delivery of world-class innovative performance products, announced today that fitness icon Jay Cutler will be a co-owner and serve on the company’s board of directors. Alpha Helix’s initial line of performance products, focused on maximizing muscle development and workout potential, will hit store shelves nationwide in June.

    “Alpha Helix is going to redefine existing classifications in sports nutrition,” said Gately. “We are combining ingredients that have never before been used in supplements and changing the way the body metabolizes specific ingredients.”

    Jay Cutler is a bodybuilding legend and the sport’s most recognizable face. Recently named Body Builder of the Decade by Muscular Development, Jay Cutler has also been named Mr. Olympia four times by the International Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) and has won three IFBB Arnold Classic Championships. Cutler’s active development role with Alpha Helix marks the first performance brand investment he has spearheaded in his 20-plus year career.

    “Alpha Helix is here for the long run and so am I,” said Cutler. “I’ve worked for years in the industry and am excited to help develop a brand that provides exceptional results and uses verifiable scientific studies as its backbone. I want every athlete and bodybuilder to benefit from this science.”

    The Alpha Helix line was developed by a team of sports fitness industry veterans, including Anthony Almada. Almada received a Master of Science (MSc) from the University of California, Berkeley and is a Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (FISSN). He is also the co-founder of Experimental & Applied Sciences (EAS) and is responsible for bringing many innovative products to market including Creatine and Thermagenics.

    “These formulations mimic what I use and have used in the past, but combines them using new technology to produce better, faster, more desirable results.” said Cutler.

    “Stores and gyms alike want a brand that they can believe in and whole-heartedly recommend to their customers,” said Gately. “Working with a team of the industry’s best, our goal is to establish a strong global presence and build a brand that reinvents the industry.”
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  3. #393
    Zitat Zitat von Zum Rausche Beitrag anzeigen
    man kann ja fast von glueck sprechen dass er sich verletzt hat. sieht jetzt auf jeden fall besser aus!

  4. #394
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Zitat Zitat von ependinom Beitrag anzeigen
    man kann ja fast von glueck sprechen dass er sich verletzt hat. sieht jetzt auf jeden fall besser aus!
    Oh Mann, Epe... Das erste Bild ist natürlich nach der Verletzung und vor der OP, das zweite Bild nach der OP.

  5. #395
    dachte das waer wieder ein bild, das die "kosmetische operation" theorie unterstuetzt xD

  6. #396
    Zitat Zitat von ependinom Beitrag anzeigen
    dachte das waer wieder ein bild, das die "kosmetische operation" theorie unterstuetzt xD

  7. #397
    Als Kind schon Scheiße

  8. #398
    Als Kind schon Scheiße

  9. #399
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Bob Chick delivers all the news coverage from the weekend's shows. This includes the Europa Show of Champions, and the Mr. Europe show in Spain. He finishes off the show with an exclusive interview with 4x Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. This interview is very candid and funny with Jay talking about various topics.

  10. #400
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Gestern Abend
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  11. #401
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Ladies and Gentlemen, he´s back!
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  12. #402
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    "I killed it tonight at Golds Gym!"
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  13. #403

  14. #404
    Als Kind schon Scheiße

  15. #405
    Als Kind schon Scheiße
    Gestern Abend bei der NPC West Coast Classic
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

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