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  1. #136

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  2. #137
    Hier ein neues Video von Jay.
    Ist aber mal was anderes, kein training... Jay sammelt Hundesheisse ein!

    Aber schaut selbst.

  3. #138

  4. #139

  5. #140
    Once again, I am reporting to you guys from Jay's house in Las Vegas. Many of his close friends came in to celebrate Christmas and so far Christmas Eve just passed and after most people going to bed at 5am, I have to say that we all had a great time. We are having another party for Xmas day with traditional Christmas food where as yesterday we had sushi. LOTS OF IT! LOL!
    I got lots of pics for you guys that I will be posting over the next few hours/days, keep checking, this is gonna be a good thread.

    The Xmas tree that Kerry decorated all by herself.

    Jay chillin with company when I arrived Wed night.

    Scrappy got a bath and a new haircut for the Holidays.

    Kerry was happy as can be, she LOVES Christmas, actually she calls it COOTSMAS since her nickname is Coots. LOL.

    Time for the cars to get washed Xmas Eve day.
    Can't ride around in dirty cars!

    Jay was looking for hidden presents. This guy can't wait for anything. LOL!

    Coots's feet in her pajama feet, LOL! She loves em!

    The way the house looked before the people arrived.


    still more...

    Trace also got groomed.

    The dinning room.

    The wall fountain

    Guests started arriving around 7pm.

    Much more coming... Stay tuned!

    The sread. Boatloads of sushi, literally!

    Fun times...

    Jay and Matt



  6. #141
    Srappy and his little friend Willie.

    Chillin in the movie room

    Jay and Scrappy

    Happy Kerry.

    The picture and frame that Big Eric gave to Jay for Christmas.

    The next morning...

    All the stockings that Kerry had filled with surprises for all the guests.

    This is what was in the stockings, LOL!

    The present Jay gave me. I got really spoiled this year.

    Now all I need is some duckets to put in it as Jay says. LOL!

    Cleaning up the house for the next party.


    Jay's new Gucci slippers

    On our way to workout at Las Vegas Athletic Club on Christmas day. (Thank God it's opened 365 days a year 24 hours a day)

    Shoulder today (with Big Eric)


    So tired from the workout, got to text on the floor then e fell asleep there, lol!

    Ker looking hot for party #2



    Kerry slicing the steak, yumm!

  7. #142
    hier sind noch welche vom Training wärend den Feiertagen

    Jay is in Venice today, he came to train at 9:45am (no banker's hours for you today Champ!) and to check out his new poster on the wall, he loves it. Many people have commented on how much they like that new pic.
    Very cool.

    Jay chats with Big Steve and his son, little Steve.

    Hulk Hogan's son Nick has moved to Cali about a year ago to pursue acting and he started training at a new Wrestling School his dad and a few famous wrestlers are a part of in Burbank. Nick might give wrestling a go and if he's anything like his dad, he'll do really well.
    He was checking out Jay's new posters and as he turned around Cutler came walking in, he was pretty happy and asked me to send him the pic, no problem Nick.

    Big Jay and Little Steve Scarduzio. Little for now but we are working on making him bigger. LOL.

    pped by the shop after the gym to check out my new 5 puppies that are only barely 4 weeks old. Here he is posing with the fatest one that we call Porkers, LOL. He actually looks small in Jay's hands. I sent the pic to Kerry and she replied, is that my Xmas gift? Oh boy! Jay is not gonna be happy now. Ha!

    Here's a couple of shots of Big Jay having dinner at the shop while one of my good customer Erich is hanging out and chatting with him.

  8. #143

  9. #144
    Big Jay came back to Venice for a short visit for Big Eric's Bday and also for the unveling of his 2nd poster donated to Gold's Venice. A cool picture taken by Kevin Horton (one of his favorite shots based on what he says).
    Here is Jay giving the photo to Jason Williams, Gold's Assistant Manager.
    Congrats again Kev on finally having your beautiful work up in Gold's after 20 years in the biz. You rule!

    Jay and Big Eric were training arms (twice on the same day for Eric, LOL)



  10. #145
    Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, das Jay vielleicht ins Filmgeschäft einsteigen will.
    Angeblich soll er eine Rolle als Conan übernehmen? Quasi eine Neuverfilmung!

    Leider weiss ich nimma wo ich das gelesen habe... weiss jemand was?

  11. #146
    Jay und Brian trainieren Schultern.
    Am Ende stellt Jay seine neue Collection vor.

  12. #147
    Hab mir mal die Cutler Series angeschauen ist zwar auf englisch und ich hab vlt nur 80% verstanden aber finde den Typen klasse

  13. #148

  14. #149

  15. #150
    wo hast du eigendlich immer diese coolen Fotos her ?

    und noch was wisst ihr zufällig ob cutler auch mal was trinkt ( wein)- ...-

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