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Thema: Kai Greene "News"
26.06.2011, 13:20 #151
Gastposing Adela Garcia Classic gestern Abend:
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26.06.2011, 17:51 #152
gefällt mir um längen besser, als bei der ny pro. vor allem die vorletzten bilder. warum sehen so viele pros so viel brutaler und massiver aus, wenn sie gerade NICHT an wks teilnehmen? versteh das nicht...
26.06.2011, 18:41 #153
26.06.2011, 19:29 #154
Aber auch in der Vorbereitung. Bei Jay ist mir das vorallem aufgefallen....die Bilder aus der Vorbereitung sind der Hammer, aufm WK sieht er eher glatt aus, find ich. Aber Jay ist hier nicht das Thema. ^^
26.06.2011, 20:01 #155
Hätte Jay auch nur einmal glatt ausgesehen, hätte er die Mr O nicht gewonnen. Naja, in Wettkampfform haben die Athleten halt um die 3% Körperfett und sind ziemlich dehydriert. Da sehen sie vllt nicht ganz so prall wie sonst aus, dennoch soll ja derjenige mit den meisten Muskeln gewinnen und das kann man eben nur so beurteilen. Leute wie Phil Heath oder Yamagashi sehen in der Offseason sehr bescheiden aus, dafür auf der Bühne viel besser.
26.06.2011, 20:03 #156
26.06.2011, 20:35 #157
11.08.2011, 10:12 #158
Rücken-Workout aktuell:
22.08.2011, 13:43 #159
Beine-Workout aktuell:
01.09.2011, 10:38 #160
Arme-Workout 4 weeks out:
04.09.2011, 12:37 #161
Aktuelles Interview, Quelle:
Q: We are three weeks out from the Olympia. How are you feeling at this stage?
I'm feeling great.
Q: In the minds of many, you are the man to beat at this year's Olympia. Do you think you have the tools needed to beat the other top contenders?
Q: What do you think will give you the edge over your nearest competition?
I don't want to look at it as a competition. We are all working very hard; I think everyone who comes in there to compete is coming in with the expectation of showing their best, which is their life's work. I'm very excited to unveil what I have prepared on the day of what others call a competition.
Q: If you do not consider the Mr. Olympia a competition, what then do you consider it to be?
I really just see it as an opportunity to graduate; to grow beyond old ideas. It's a celebration for me of actually getting it right; getting it together. I have been training for more than 20 years now and I have learned a lot of lessons during this time. This year's Olympia is an opportunity to unveil this body of a lifetime's work and it also gives me an opportunity to move beyond some old thoughts, limitations and doubts from other times of my life.
Q: What changes have you made to the physique you will present onstage at the 2011 Mr. Olympia?
I guess I could lessen the work overall by trying to talk about things other people may think are obvious, looking at the surface. I think the most significant changes I have made this year are the changes in my mindset; really holding myself a lot more accountable; really becoming the success that I dream about.
Q: And this change in mindset has manifested in physical improvements?
Absolutely. The change in mindset has made many other changes occur as a result of my actions, which in turn are reflected in my physique.
Q: You came into the 2010 Olympia off your usually top form and subsequently dropped to seventh place. As a result, do you feel you have experienced more pressure than usual going into this year's event?
I can't say that there has been more pressure. I think with all athletes wanting to be their best on a given day, a certain amount of pressure can come from that. I think in my mind I have tried to turn this pressure into what I feel is an opportunity to show my masterpiece, my body of a lifetime's work. And I'm accepted and judged on the merits of that and as a result of that the rewards will accordingly come.
Q: You are obviously more focused on your capabilities rather than what your competition is doing, therefore lessening the impact any pressure might bring?
Yes, because the reality is that I can't really control anything that is outside of myself. There is no point trying to focus on things that I have no power over; I need to take advantage of and work on the things that I can control.
Q: And of those factors you can control - training and nutrition being the major two - what changes, if any, have you made in preparation for this year's Olympia?
I really think a lot of times you can make things more complicated than they need to be. And, conversely, sometimes you can make things that are complicated a little too simple, so much so that the true weight of what I am doing becomes lost in an effort to try and oversimplify the process. I think that somehow I've been fortunate enough to tap into what I believe is a blueprint for personal success. And I believe that success comes from having the right mindset and applying it when necessary.
Q: How would you describe your mindset at this stage of the game?
My mindset now is about working deliberately, not just for the sake of volume or because I heard that somebody else did something. My mindset now is about being a lot more responsible to myself and accountable for what goes into the planning behind the scenes. I have been fortunate enough to have great coaching staff working with me now. I have George Farrah who has been of great assistance.
Q: You are known for your brutal workouts, as documented on your DVD series. Have you adopted a similar style of training to prepare for the 2011 Olympia?
Honestly, if you were to interview most bodybuilders you would find that most have a lot of things in common when it comes to training. You are at this level not going to see a lot of huge variations. Again, for me the difference has been the mindset, and I'm very grateful and fortunate to be graced at this time with a strong mindset and a great support team, which should allow me to do very well.
Q: What motivates you to apply yourself year after year to the task of winning the Olympia?
The thing that motivates me most is that I have identified a specific means to go beyond and the aim to be more, to make the most of myself. I believe that I can do it and it is something that I want to do and because it is a desire of mine. It is almost something that I have to do. What motivates me is becoming the success that I dream of. Success at the Olympia represents the success that I have dreamed of as a result of not being afraid to work hard to manifest that blessing.
Q: You are among the top contenders for this year's Mr. Olympia title. At what point in your bodybuilding career did you feel you had the potential to win the Olympia crown?
I think honestly long before anybody else felt that I could or encouraged me or felt I had the potential. Before potential can be seen, I think there comes the desire of the individual, the spirit that seeks expression through actions. I think if people see the manifestation of that action maybe they will then provide encouragement. Before I even knew what bodybuilding was, I believed that there were things alive in the expression of my spirit that revealed that there was something that I could excel at, something I could use to express myself. Desire is the expression of potential. With desire you can learn skills and when you master those skills you can learn to do something well. So I really feel that my spirit was able to take a certain amount of release from this experience that we call bodybuilding.
Q: How mentally strong do you have to be to prepare for an event as big as the Olympia?
This is incredibly important. In order for a person to aim for higher achievement they need to be able to recruit the presence and power of the mind to focus their thoughts. So a strong mind in this game is priceless.
Q: Looking at your physique, it appears that you have more than enough muscle mass to win the Olympia. What do you think the final decision will come down to this year?
We have all been working for this for a long time. I think it comes down to the ability to work and for that body of work to be recognized. These kinds of decisions are not determined by what you say with your mouth, but by what you say with your thoughts. Your thoughts are what govern your actions. Actions are a manifestation of body and the thing that leads this process is the mind. I stopped counting the years I have been training when I reached age 20. Those kinds of things will be counted on the day the competition is held. Your body of work is what speaks for itself, and that's why I'm talking about unveiling this body of work and expressing the end result to be as a product of that work. So, very simply, what it comes down to is being able to produce a body of work that is worthy of the highest honor on that day.
Q: Many people speculate that Phil Heath will win this year's Olympia and you cannot count current champion Jay Cutler out either. To my mind you have the edge over both of these guys. With all three of you competitors at the top of your game, what do you think will give you a definitive edge?
Every man will say with their mouth what they want to do. We could even pray, but I believe a prayer is an action. A request is an action. And this action is most efficiently done though work, not words. Even in scripture it says, "Let not the words of my mouth but the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord my redeemer." In truth, it is not what I say with my mouth, but what I say with the product of my heart. Not the heart that beats, but my mind; my thinking center. The thinking center of a man is what speaks of his actions. When you are working efficiently and dutifully for a certain amount of time, that speaks of your physique. Your physique is the product of these thoughts which govern your actions. On that day, what is being judged is your actions and the impact they have had of your physique.
Q: You are known for your excellent presentation skills. How long do you usually spend preparing your posing routines?
All my life that I have considered myself a bodybuilder. When you are in the gym training you are not just picking weights up and putting them back down. You are gaining control and command over neurological muscle connections; all of which connect your mind to muscles. When you get onstage it is your job to be able to reveal these muscles, but doing so by moving gracefully. You are working this aspect all of the time, whether or not you recognize it.
Q: Will we see a career-best Kai Greene on September 16/17?
Yes Sir. That is the expectation.
09.09.2011, 18:40 #162
8 days out
09.09.2011, 18:56 #163
einfach ein Fleischmonster der Typ... Ich bin auf die Mr. O gespannt, wird ein heißes Pflaster werden
09.09.2011, 19:03 #164
Jo, ordentlich Beef dran...
Hab noch 2 Rückenbilder von gestern gefunden:
09.09.2011, 19:17 #165
Vom Fleisch her gehört er für mich im Moment auf 1... Der Rücken ist einfach brutal!
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