Ergebnis 16 bis 20 von 20
14.04.2006, 20:40 #16
ja gleichzeitig ist super, hab ich doch gesagt. mach ich genauso.
45 min später dann ne normale mahlzeit.
- Anzeigen
14.04.2006, 21:39 #17
hmm irgendwer hat mal geschriben, dass whey etwa 60mins braucht um ins blut zu gelangen, zucker aber nur 30mins
also kommts so genau zusammen
14.04.2006, 22:44 #18
Zitat von AB
Zum Thema Welches Protein nach dem Workout:
Metabolism Unit, Shriners Hospitals for Children and Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550, USA.
PURPOSE: Determination of the anabolic response to exercise and nutrition is important for individuals who may benefit from increased muscle mass. Intake of free amino acids after resistance exercise stimulates net muscle protein synthesis. The response of muscle protein balance to intact protein ingestion after exercise has not been studied. This study was designed to examine the acute response of muscle protein balance to ingestion of two different intact proteins after resistance exercise. METHODS: Healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Each group consumed one of three drinks: placebo (PL; N = 7), 20 g of casein (CS; N = 7), or whey proteins (WH; N = 9). Volunteers consumed the drink 1 h after the conclusion of a leg extension exercise bout. Leucine and phenylalanine concentrations were measured in femoral arteriovenous samples to determine balance across the leg. RESULTS: Arterial amino acid concentrations were elevated by protein ingestion, but the pattern of appearance was different for CS and WH. Net amino acid balance switched from negative to positive after ingestion of both proteins. Peak leucine net balance over time was greater for WH (347 +/- 50 nmol.min(-1).100 mL(-1) leg) than CS (133 +/- 45 nmol.min(-1).100 mL(-1) leg), but peak phenylalanine balance was similar for CS and WH. Ingestion of both CS and WH stimulated a significantly larger net phenylalanine uptake after resistance exercise, compared with the PL (PL -5 +/- 15 mg, CS 84 +/- 10 mg, WH 62 +/- 18 mg). Amino acid uptake relative to amount ingested was similar for both CS and WH (approximately 10-15%). CONCLUSIONS: Acute ingestion of both WH and CS after exercise resulted in similar increases in muscle protein net balance, resulting in net muscle protein synthesis despite different patterns of blood amino acid responses.
15.04.2006, 17:46 #19
Dendê, schau doch mal auf - dort gibt's eine ausführliche Anleitung zur optimalen Ernährung rund ums Training - sowohl davor, als auch danach. Damit sollten dann alle Fragen geklärt sein.
15.04.2006, 18:53 #20
Ich gebs zu, ich les nicht gerne
Zeigt her eure Lifehacks für eine...
24.03.2025, 10:38 in Lifestyle