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Thema: Jintropin kit check!
14.01.2006, 22:13 #1
Jintropin kit check!
You can check your Jintropin kit yourself on their website so you can verify your (serial)number and see if you have purchased the original gear
There is a safety sticker with unique code on each kit. The kit cannot be opened without breaking the sticker. You simply read the numbers on the sticker, enter them in this verification form above and the system will tell you if your product is real or fake. Note that the system was made in chinese and the characters may not display right on your computer. Basically the product is real unless you see "Fake Goods" in red letters. You are welcome to test it with a made up number.
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14.01.2006, 22:18 #2
passt das auch für "relabled jin"?!
17.01.2006, 18:43 #3
Zitat von mama67
Körperfett- Waage + Features
05.02.2025, 17:18 in Lifestyle