Ergebnis 31 bis 45 von 59
28.08.2005, 14:48 #31
ih suche grad...anstatt rumheulen lieber mitsuchen
- Anzeigen
28.08.2005, 15:32 #32
wiederholung ist um 20:00 auf NOVA TV
28.08.2005, 15:46 #33
Kannst du den Fight nicht posten Mate?? Was sagen die kroatischen Medien zu dem Kampf?
28.08.2005, 16:00 #34
Medien sind wie eine hure....was zählt sind die interviews
28.08.2005, 16:02 #35
can someone please put the link where we can see the fight Mirko vs, Fedor
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ansehen ?
28.08.2005, 16:05 #36
Möchte trotzdem wissen was meine Leute im Fernsehen dazu sagen ud wie sie den Kampf gesehen haben!!
We all are searching for the fight indygaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
28.08.2005, 16:09 #37
jebomu pas mater.....oder bog mater so in etwa das sagen sie dazu: )
28.08.2005, 16:14 #38
28.08.2005, 16:14 #39
28.08.2005, 16:18 #40
Hvala ljepo za twoj pomoc!!!
Atomic das war ja sehr witzig hahaha ich lach mich tot
28.08.2005, 17:10 #41
Ich verstehe die Sprache nicht ganz. Brauche Tage um etwas zu lesen!
28.08.2005, 17:33 #42
wir warten, und warten........ Ansehen ?
28.08.2005, 22:32 #43
geht mal zu
Ansehen ?
unter der Rubrik Videos könnt ihr schon 5 Kämpfe des GP runterladen. Ausserdem werde ich spätestens morgen den Crocop file dort posten
Viel Spass
29.08.2005, 01:05 #44
29.08.2005, 01:14 #45
This is Mirko's short interview he gave to Croatian newspaper "Vecernji list" after the fight:
"I don't have any objection to the judges decision. Fedor had the initiative and he deserved to win. After the 1st round I could barely stand on my feet. Unbelievable. During the trainings I could easily fight for more than 30 minutes, I was relaxed, I wasn't stiff. Why did my energy collapse in the match, I can't understand."
"He kicked me few times with his wide hooks, but it didn't disturb me. During the first round I punched him few times with direct kicks, he suffered "knock-out" on his feet. And instead I finish him with few more boxing kicks, I decided to go with the high-kick and slip. I was pulled by emotions, wanted to finish attractively."
"On the ground he couldn't do anything to me. I was defending well. In the 3rd round I wanted to be on the ground because I didn't have the energy for the attack in the stand-up position. Uff, If I wasn't so gassed out I would definetly attack him in the stand-up position. I wouldn't wait, just like I did in the 1st round, for Fedor to attack so I could strike back."
Fedor gave comment from the dressing room where they partied after the fight:
"I never had tougher opponent in my career. Please don't ask me any questions, I'm feeling grogy right now..."
Source of the article (Croatian) and pic of Mirko after the fight:
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