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Ergebnis 1.921 bis 1.935 von 11764
  1. #1921
    At The Drive-In - 198d

    Kennt die Jungs jemand?

    •   Alt



  2. #1922
    Edguy - Down to the devil
    In paar wochen gehts aufs konzert Ansehen ?

  3. #1923

  4. #1924

  5. #1925

  6. #1926

  7. #1927

  8. #1928

  9. #1929

  10. #1930
    hier mal der text ---> ist gerichtet an drogenabhängige:

    Too many times, you have been high
    too many times, you ran away, in need to cry
    too many times, your body lies awake
    too many times, these pills you take...

    too many times, you woken up depressed
    too many times, you put your life to the test
    too many times, you´ve taken this trip
    too many times, you have slipped

    too many times, your body cant take
    too many times, you made a mistake
    too many times, you havent realized
    too many times, you mind became paralyzed

  11. #1931

  12. #1932

  13. #1933

  14. #1934
    ASP - Schwarzer Schmetterling

  15. #1935