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Zum Rausche
01.06.2009, 18:17
He sent in a few pictures last week. These were taken on Feb 6. In them, Fouad is weighing 291 pounds. Here's what he had to say:

Er hat letzte Woche ein paar Bilder geschickt. Diese wurden am 6. Feburar 2008 gemacht. Auf diesen Bilder wiegt Fouad 291lbs. Hier ist was er zu sagen hatte.

"I have to diet down for a shoot at the end of the month but I thought some FLEX or FLEX online readers might be interested in some offseason hard work. Sorry for the quality of these pics I didn't know I was going to be sending them to anyone and Im not sure if they even merit sending but I thought, what the hell."

"Ich werde eine Diät für ein Photoshoot am Ende des Monats beginnen, ich dachte mir aber das einige Flex oder Flexonline Leser an ein paar Offseason Bilder interessiert wären. Sorry, für die Qualität der Bilder, ich dachte nicht das ich diese an jemanden senden würde. Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher ob sie es wert sind gesendet zu werden, naja egal."

Fouad is planning on competing in the Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships and the Europa Super Show over the summer.

Fouad plant an der Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships und der Europa Super Show im Sommer teilzunehemen.


Dann habe ich noch ein paar Bilder von letzten Jahr eingefügt!

01.06.2009, 19:54
Er gefällt mit mal richtig gut, die Adern auf der Brust sind ja krass....

01.06.2009, 19:58
Das zweite Bild ist krass. :shock:

Zum Rausche
13.01.2011, 18:19
Fouad Abiad Blog



Mental Challenges and a Killer Leg Workout!
December 14, 2010
10 weeks out and Fouad is fighting the Canadian cold, pains of hunger, and increasingly tougher workouts. In this blog entry, he shares a bit about the mental challenge to be the best. And don't miss his most recent leg workout at the end!

Click here to check out Fouad's most recent blog entry! (http://blog.flexonline.com/fouad_abiad/)

30.08.2011, 14:46
Fouad ist nach dem Anriß der Trizepssehne wieder im Training, Olympia ist aber kein Thema:


22.09.2011, 22:00

23.09.2011, 10:23

Wie es halt einfach mal das Cover von Amerika vom August ist -.-

Die Deutschen verwerten die Reste...

02.01.2012, 17:47
Nächster Wettkampf Flex Pro


02.01.2012, 18:31
Ich persönlich finde ihn ja sausympathisch ^^

09.01.2012, 10:39
Brust-Workout 6 Wochen vor der Flex Pro

14.01.2012, 17:09
Ich find ihn auch super, schön massig. :D

18.01.2012, 09:51
Bein-Workout 5 Wochen vor der Flex Pro


02.02.2012, 01:43
Hardcore! Das mit der Beinpresse probiere ich nächste Woche aus. Die Presse von sagen wir mal 400kg auf 100kg abräumen lassen, das wird was! :mrgreen:

06.02.2012, 15:03
Arme 2 weeks out
Schaut jut aus!

20.02.2012, 11:54
3. Platz Flex Pro 2012

29.02.2012, 17:12
It’s been a tough week filled with tons of emotion. One day I’m up, one day I’m down. I can’t seem to help being upset with the decision at the FLEX, not because I think the judges did anything wrong but only because I really thought I had done enough to pull it out. I have to say before I go any farther; the support I have received from hundreds of fans has been incredible. I never realized how many people I have supporting me and it makes getting ready for the ASC even more challenging to find out areas I can perfect things further.

I’m not saying I’m going to walk into the ASC and win, I’m aiming for a top six finish, that would be a victory for me at this stage in my career. Regardless of placing, what I’m trying to say is all of the fan support just makes me want to work harder.
This past week has been a challenge to find ways to perfect things from the FLEX. I have increased my ab work, increased my tanning, increased my rest and sleep time and also worked on my posing some more. There is nothing more I can think of that I can fix in this short a time. I have some ideas for the offseason of things I need to work on but for now its just a little polish here and a little polish there. The nice thing leading into Columbus is I won’t have to fly. It’s about a three-hour drive for me from Windsor and I can pack all my own food instead of having to shop and cook there. Having the things you eat on a regular basis is always nice, not to mention having it all prepared will also make things easier.

I think both me and Chad realized I was a little flatter than I would like to be at the FLEX so we’re going to load a little heavier this time but still focus mainly on condition. There’s no point in being the biggest guy if you can’t see the hard work and definition in the muscle.

Another great addition to my team or I’m the addition to there team really, is SCITEC. This past week SCITEC NUTRITION signed me to a new contract and so far working with them has been incredible. We’ve been doing a lot of shooting so there could be some great new photos for you all to see soon. Jason Mathas shot them and he is one of the easiest and fastest photographers I have shot with. Its always nice when a photog gets that your tired and he works with you to get things done fast but still in a good way.

I’ve worked hard in my career to get to where I am. Sure I’m not Phil Heath, I didn’t just jump into the IFBB and start blowing people away but it’s working for me. With Weider and now Scitec behind me I really think 2012 can be a great year for me to maximize my size! It’s nice when you can look back at your career, be it bodybuilding or anything else and be proud. You think to yourself even though you’ve had some rough moments your able to hold your head high, knowing your still moving in the right direction. Sometimes we want it all, and we want it to happen now. Unfortunately that isn’t always the way it works and I’ve come to grips with that. In saying that though, it doesn’t mean that you just walk away from something because you’re not great at it right away. If you love what you’re doing, sometimes you have to live at the bottom and scratch your way to the top. Inch by inch you will get there if you keep working and keep applying everything you got. And if you don’t, who cares, you’re doing what you love and that’s all that matters….

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad ‘Hoss’ Abiad

04.03.2012, 11:45
11. Platz AC 2012

04.03.2012, 12:56
Ist er doch noch 11. geworden, da er ja nicht beim Callout auf der Bühne war? Weiß einer was genau los war? Hab irgendwas davon gehört, dass er in Jacke und Kopfhörern hinter der Bühne war und es verpeilt hat.

04.03.2012, 13:09
Er dachte, daß nur bis Platz 6 gewertet wird. Als er im Top 6 Final Callout nicht dabei war, ist er gegangen...

I just wanted to take a minuted to update and apologize to all my fans. Tonight at my second Arnold Classic I made a MAJOR mental error that has cost me whatever placing I deserved. I believe I was somewhere in the 7, 8, 9 spot but regardless it doesn't matter.
I kept myself tight and came back at night with the best package I could bring. I did my routine that I had put together and it was my ...impression that only the top six would be called back for comparisons.
Knowing I was not in the top six I thought after my routine my night was done so I got dressed and left, only to find out after I was already gone that they were calling me out.
I have never walked away from a placing good or bad. I have never disrespected the IFBB, myself or any of my sponsors. I appreciate all the care about me being sick but everything is fine, it was really just a matter of me personally making a mental error which I wish dearly that I could take back.

The last thing on earth I want is for any of the people supporting me to think I gave up on them. I would hate more than anything to disappoint or have my fans not believe in me.
This will NEVER happen again and I have apologized already to IFBB Officials, Weider and Scitec for my error, and finally I want to apologize to every last person who has supported me and my career.

I will be back bigger and better than ever, I'm down but not out!

Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad

16.03.2012, 21:51
Heute von ihm auf fb geteilt, aber anscheinend nicht von ihm:

30.03.2012, 18:34

06.04.2012, 17:44

Here's Fouad Abiad as he departs Canada to guest pose in East Lansing Michigan for the Lansing Grand Prix in Michigan. What's great about this video is Fouad takes you from packing in his home for the trip to spray tanning at venue to strutting his stuff on stage. Guest posing is a means for Professional Bodybuilders to make a living. They can either go through the steps or participate with the fans and make the best of it.

08.06.2012, 09:43

19.06.2012, 17:37

02.07.2012, 13:35

08.07.2012, 18:36
Neues Vid, allderings nicht vom ihm gemacht, schätze ich mal.,


16.07.2012, 12:10

22.07.2012, 13:15

22.07.2012, 13:48

05.11.2012, 22:15

07.11.2012, 21:45
Eiklar gibts da im Supermarkt oder wie?:D

07.11.2012, 21:47
Jo, ist ganz normal :-)

09.01.2013, 17:07

17.01.2013, 17:38

24.01.2013, 18:12
Six weeks out Arnold Classic

31.01.2013, 11:02
Teil 3


24.02.2013, 16:03

03.03.2013, 11:43
10. Platz AC 2013

17.03.2013, 11:18

02.06.2013, 10:50
2. Platz Toronto Pro Supershow 2013

11.05.2014, 09:30
2. Platz Dallas Pro 2014

03.05.2015, 10:41
1. Platz Orlando Pro 2015 :pokal:

03.05.2015, 10:52

26.07.2015, 10:57
1. Platz Vancouver Pro 2015

09.08.2015, 11:27
2. Platz Tampa Pro 2015

30.05.2016, 14:59
Fouad hat sich den Teres Major abgerissen... prp treatments = https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrombozytenreiches_Plasma

"While doing heavy tbar rows about three and a half weeks ago, I tore my teres major almost clean off the bone. It was pretty devastating, I was planning on competing at the Toronto Pro.

My sports doctor recommended surgery, but I opted for prp treatments instead because sitting out for 6 months was not an option.

After the initial three to four days of whining like a bitch about it I decided I'd like to see if I can make it happen anyway. My doctor instructed me to not train for one week then to only train lower body for an additional two weeks.

Here we are one week out from Toronto and I've trained upper body twice very lightly but I've been smashing legs three times a week and still doing cardio and dieting hard.

I guess in my mind I believe I can overcome anything. I don't know if I'll step onstage in Toronto, I guess it depends how my recovery goes this last week.

I was gonna try and keep this under wraps but bodybuilding is real and you guys should know what it's all about.

#‎HOSSTILE‬ ‪#‎likeahoss‬ #‎neverquit"

30.05.2016, 16:37
Irgendwie geht da gerade was um, oder? :|

30.05.2016, 17:03
Vor Allem aus meiner Sicht die völlig falsche Entscheidung, sich nicht sofort unters Messer zu legen und den Kollegen wieder zu fixieren, so kann man auch gleich den Bluterguss entfernen. Je schneller ein abgerissener Muskel operiert wird, umso wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass die OP zu 100% gelingt und man später nichts bis wenig davon sieht. Und wenn man zu lange wartet, wird eine OP sogar unmöglich. Dann ist der Muskel einfach weg...

30.05.2016, 19:27
Da hast du villkommen Recht. Zumal er ja evtl. auch noch länger damit warten wird.

05.06.2016, 08:18
3. Platz Toronto Pro 2016