Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 2008

Zum Rausche
17.01.2008, 14:51
29. Feburar - 2. März 2008 in Ohio, Columbus

Die Arnold Classic's wird zum 20ten mal im nächsten Jahr stattfinden. Ja, Die Arnold Classic gibt es seit 20 Jahren.




Stand 17.01.08

Gustavo Badell

Adorthus Cherry

Toney Freeman

Melvin Anthony

Kai Greene

Deshaun Grimez

David Henry

Dexter Jackson

Johnnie Jackson

Victor Martinez

Desmond Miller

Ronny Rockel

Silvio Samuel

Phil Heath

Branch Warren

Fitness International Competitors

Regiane Da Silva:thumleft:
Tina Durkin
Bethany Gainey
Tracey Greenwood
Oksana Grishina
Jen Hendershott
Kimberly Klein
Julie Lohre
Tanya Merryman
Mindi O’brien
Julie Palmer
Stacy Simons

Figure International Competitors

Sonia Adcock
Gina Aliotti
Paola Almerico
Catherine Andersen
Natalie Benson
Monica Brant-Peckham
Amy Fry
Bernadette Galvan
Jennifer Gates
Deborah Leung
Juliana Malacarne
Kristal Richardson
Chastity Slone
Brenda Marie Smith
Briana Tindall
Valerie Waugaman
Latisha Wilder
Nicole Wilkins

Ms. International Competitors

Lisa Aukland
Tracy Beckham
Dayana Cadeau
Tazzie Columb
Iris Floyd Kyle
Kristy Hawkins
Rosemary Jennings
Debi Laszewski
Mah-Ann Mendoza
Colette Nelson
Yaxeni Oriquen
Betty Pariso
Brenda Raganot
Annie Rivieccio
Antoinette Thompson
Betty Viana-Adkins

Zum Rausche
17.01.2008, 14:52
Vic hat sich verletzt:

aber noch ist eventuell Hoffnung :ratlos:
folgender zitat von chad nicholls:

Okay - for the record, I was hoping to keep this off the forums until after we got the results back from Vic's MRI so I could let you know everything - but obviously we have a bunch of boards trying to jump the gun.

Here's EXACTLY where we are: late last night - Victor was stretching in a lunge style stretch and when he stepped back, he fell down - there was no major pain, no major sign that anything major had happened. He started to step back on it again and his knee gave out. He realized that the knee was slightly dislocated, but still no major pain

At this point, we have no bleeding, some swelling, but at this point, whether or not he is out of the Arnold, etc. is PURE speculation until we know what we are dealing with and get the results from the MRI and hear from the Doctor.

Vic is seeing a specialist - I believe it is the surgeon that deals with the NY Giants - he is looked upon as the best in the area and we will know a heck of a lot more tomorrow. Stay posted here - if you want the accurate scoopage.

Zum Rausche
18.01.2008, 12:15
also doch.. Vic ist nicht dabei..

Just wanted to bring you up to speed with Victor - he's had his MRI, seen the doctor (surgeon) and the surgeon, I believe, is the head of surgery and the same surgeon that works with the NY Giants - so he is in great hands. So, we now can say 100% that Vic is out of the Arnold, which is the least of our concerns at this point - we are 110% focused on his health and with the surgery.

What we know is that while stretching, he tore his patellar tendon on the left leg. He will be going in tomorrow morning for the surgery and they are confident that the surgery will be a success and that his tendon will be completely repaired. Vic is in good spirits - he's very confident with the surgical team. The recovery time will be approximately 6 weeks and a couple of months of therapy back into training.

Please, everyone, keep him in your thoughts for a successful surgery and that he gets through it safe and healthy.